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Table 1 Gene expression ratio (Exp/Cont) and Welch’s t-test after chrysene administration

From: Collaborative studies in toxicogenomics in rodent liver in JEMS·MMS; a useful application of principal component analysis on toxicogenomics

  1. The total RNA was extracted from the individual liver and used to prepare the cDNA. The expression of the 37 genes was quantified by qPCR, and the gene expression ratio (exp/cont) of each gene was calculated. The results were analyzed by Welch’s t-test (boldface with ** indicates significant at P < 0.01; boldface with * indicates significant at P < 0.05). The clusters in Table 1 were sorted through unsupervised hierarchical clustering. The dark pink color shows the values that are higher than 2, and the light pink color shows the values that are higher than 1.5. The table is simplified from Table 3 in [11]