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Fig. 8 | Genes and Environment

Fig. 8

From: Mutation and apoptosis are well-coordinated for protecting against DNA damage-inducing toxicity in Drosophila

Fig. 8

Apoptosis and mutation induced by monochromatic UV light in NER-deficient Drosophila (mus201; mwh/flr). (A) The profiles of apoptosis induced by UV irradiation with 310-nm light at 0.93 kJ/m2 (closed circles), 320-nm light at 10 kJ/m2 (open circles), 330-nm light at 302 kJ/m2 (closed triangles), 340-nm light at 315 kJ/m2 (open triangles), 360-nm light at 330 kJ/m2 (closed diamonds), or no irradiation (cross). (B) The relationship between the number of AO-stained clusters per wing and total spots per wing at each wavelength (symbols are the same as in panel (A)). (C) The action spectra of the mutagenicity determined as the total spots per wing normalized by the UV fluence (kJ/m2), and apoptosis inducibility (open circles), which was determined as the number of clusters per wing disc at 6 h normalized by the UV fluence (kJ/m2; closed circles)

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