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Table 4 Performance metrics used to evaluate classifiers

From: An assessment of mutagenicity of chemical substances by (quantitative) structure–activity relationship

Performance metric

Calculation and description

Sensitivity (SENS)

TP/(TP + FN)

Measures the ability of a QSAR tool to detect Ames positives compounds correctly.

Specificity (SPEC)

TN/(TN + FN)

Measures the ability for a QSAR tool to detect negatives compounds.

Accuracy (ACC)

(TP + TN)/(TP + TN + FP + FN)

Assesses a QSAR tool’s overall performance by returning the fraction of compounds which were correctly predicted.

Balanced Accuracy (BA)


Assesses the overall model performance, giving each class equal weight.

Positive Prediction Value (PPV)

(TP)/(TP + FP)

Indicates how frequently positive predictions are correct.

Negative Prediction Value (NPV)

TN/(TN + FN)

Indicates how often negative predictions are correct.

Mathews Correlation Coefficient (MCC)

\( \frac{\left(\left( TP\ast TN\right)-\left( FP\ast FN\right)\right)}{\sqrt{\left( TP+ FP\left)\left( TP+ FN\right)\left( TN+ FP\right)\right( TN+ FN\right)}} \)

Assesses the overall performance of the model. Values can range from −1 to 1, which is in contrast to the other metrics in this table which range form 0 to 1.

Coverage (COV)

(TP + TN + FP + FN)/(TP + TN + FP + FN + OOD)

Evaluates the proportion of compounds for which the model can make a positive or negative prediction.