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Table 1 GTHC biomarker candidates in mouse liver proposed by Kossler et al. [46]

From: Short-term in vivo testing to discriminate genotoxic carcinogens from non-genotoxic carcinogens and non-carcinogens using next-generation RNA sequencing, DNA microarray, and qPCR

Up-regulated genes by GTHC:

DNA damage response:

Bax, Bcl2a1, Ccng1, Ddit4l, Emp3, Enc1, Iqgap1, Map3k20, Mgmt, Phlda3, Pierce1, Siva1, Top2a, Tspan13, Zeb2

Cellular assembly and organization:

Col1a2, Fbn1, Fstl1, Loxl2, Nisch, Plekha2, Tagln2, Tmsb10, Tuba1a

Immune response:

Ccr2, Cd34, Fgl2, H2-Dma, H2-DMb2, Lck, Mbl2

Detoxification response:

Ces2e, Gstp3


Acot9, Akap13, Atp6v1d, Ccdc80, Cox6b2, Exoc4, G6pdx, Ggta1, Pqlc3, Snx6, Zdhhc14, Zfp54, Zfp958

Down-regulated genes by GTHC:

DNA damage response:



Dleu2, Ltn1, Moxd1, Srprb